





无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy
无限能量: thereisnospoon
任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor
地图全开: iseedeadpeople
立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous
立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb
禁止任务默认的胜利条件: itvexesme
加黄金: keysersoze [黄金数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加木材: leafittome [木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加黄金和木材: greedisgood [数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)

快速建造: warpten
无人口上限: pointbreak
快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt
快速升级: sharpandshiny
解除科技树限制: synergy
将时间直接设定到白昼: riseandshine
将时间直接设定到夜晚: lightsout
设定具体时间: daylightsavings [小时数]
让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings


初级:.learn 2575
中级:.learn 2576
高级:.learn 3564
专家:.learn 10248
大师:.learn 29354
.setskill 186 375
初级:.learn 2259
中级:.learn 3101
高级:.learn 3464
专家:.learn 11611
大师:.learn 28596
.setskill 171 375
初级:.learn 2018
中级:.learn 3100
高级:.learn 3538
专家:.learn 9785
大师:.learn 29844
.setskill 164 375
初级:.learn 3908
中级:.learn 3909
高级:.learn 3910
专家:.learn 12180
大师:.learn 26790
.setskill 197 375
初级:.learn 2550
中级:.learn 3102
高级:.learn 3413
专家:.learn 18260
大师:.learn 33359
.setskill 185 375
初级:.learn 2108
中级:.learn 3104
高级:.learn 3811
专家:.learn 10662
大师:.learn 32549
.setskill 165 375
初级:.learn 7620
中级:.learn 7731
高级:.learn 7732
专家:.learn 18248
大师:.learn 33095
.setskill 356 375
初级:.learn 7411
中级:.learn 7412
高级:.learn 7413
专家:.learn 13920
大师:.learn 28029
.setskill 333 375
初级:.learn 25229
中级:.learn 25230
高级:.learn 28894
专家:.learn 28895
大师:.learn 28897
.setskill 755 375
初级:.learn 4036
中级:.learn 4037
高级:.learn 4038
专家:.learn 12656
大师:.learn 30350
.setskill 202 375
初级:.learn 3273
中级:.learn 3274
高级:.learn 7924
专家:.learn 10846
大师:.learn 27028
.setskill 129 375
初级:.learn 2366
中级:.learn 2368
高级:.learn 3570
专家:.learn 11993
大师:.learn 28695
.setskill 182 375
初级:.learn 8613
中级:.learn 8617
高级:.learn 8618
专家:.learn 10768
大师:.learn 32678
.setskill 393 375

.setskill 165 300 300// 制皮
.setskill 202 300 300//工程学
.setskill 333 300 300//附魔
.setskill 186 300 300//采矿
.setskill 393 300 300//剥皮
.setskill 164 300 300//锻造
.setskill 197 300 300//裁缝
.setskill 171 300 300//炼金术
.setskill 182 300 300//草药学
.setskill 186 300 300//采矿
.setskill 185 300 300//烹饪
.setskill 356 300 300//钓鱼
.setskill 129 300 300 //急救

.learn 9078 // 布甲
.learn 9077 // 皮甲
.learn 8737 // 锁甲
.learn 750 //板甲
.learn 196 // 单手斧
.learn 197 // 双手斧
.learn 264 // 弓
.learn 7919 // 弩
.learn 198 // 锤
.learn 199 // 双手锤
.learn 1180 // 匕首
.learn 2567 // 投掷
.learn 5009 // 魔杖
.learn 227 //法仗
.learn 201 // 剑
.learn 202 // 双手剑
.learn 203 // 徒手
.learn 266 // 枪械
.learn 9116 // 盾牌




























.character additem 29434 200 公正徽章

.modify level 80 人物等级80
.modify gold 123456 加钱12金币34银币56铜币(你可以自己改数字)
.modify talentpoints 555 人物天赋555(使用此命令,你的人物就有555点天赋)

.character additem 此命令为添加物品命令(比如:.character additem 32837 为埃辛诺斯战刃(主手),物品代码可以在ITEMS表内查找)
.character learn 此命令为学习技能命令(比如:.character learn 22270 为学习“神圣干涉”魔法QS的魔法技能,下边为相应代码,不好的我就不发了,没用,想用自己可以去找,很多人发的。)
22988 伊利丹之怒 对恶魔的攻击提高1400点,爆击提高20%,攻击速度提高30%。永久存在 无CD瞬发

28798 8激怒 攻击速度提高75%,伤害提高150%,持续30分钟 无CD瞬发

39869 狂野怨灵 移动速度提高200%,所有伤害提高500%,永久存在 无CD瞬发

27650 1复仇 伤害提高100%,永久存在. 无CD瞬发

26565 Heal Brethren 为目标治疗50000点伤害 无CD瞬发
23168 龙血之痛 为自己恢复150000HP 无CD瞬发

40733 神圣之盾 免疫所有攻击和法术伤害,持续永久 (不知道为什么有时会不明不白死掉, 但是很少出现)
22856 寒冰锁 可以把怪锁在原地(被法术伤到的,不能移动,不能攻击,只有挨打的份,这个技能最变态了,使用这个技能一定要选目标,然后再使用技能!!不燃会锁住自己的!!!锁住自己只有使用无敌或者使用‘神圣之盾’解除, 我被害过!)

.save 保存你的角色数据.
.start 传送你的角色到开始的地区.
.modify hp 修改所选择玩家的血量值
.modify scale 修改所选择玩家的体型大小
.modify energy 修改你所选择玩家的能量值
.modify mana 修改所选择玩家的魔法值
.modify rage 修改所选择玩家的怒气值
.modify damage 设置指定生物的伤害值.modify damage 最小伤害 最大伤害
.modify armor | m | 调整你的敏捷 xxx
.modify holy | m | 调整你的神圣抗性
.modify fire | m | 调整你的火系抗性
.modify nature | m | 调整你的自然抗性
.modify frost | m | 调整你的冰霜抗性
.modify shadow | m | 调整你的暗影抗性
.modify arcane | m | 调整你的奥术抗性
.modify gold | m | 调整你的金币 Gold/Money/Copper
.modify speed | m | 调整你的速度 .modify faction 1012
.honor addpoints | m | 增加荣誉点数
.learn all 可以学习所有GM默认的魔法
.learn all lang 来学习所有语言
.learn all myclass 来学习自己职业的所有可用魔法 (只可以对自己使用)
.levelup 可以是正数或负数, 增加当前目标的等级,省略目标默认选择自己
.kill 杀死指定的生物,可以是NPC,可以是玩家和怪物
.revive 复活当前选择的目标, (如果没有目标,则复活自己)
.gmon GM模式开启
.gmoff GM模式关闭
.Gps 显示当前所在地的座标
.createguild 创建一个公会,格式 createguild 公会名称
.invincible 一级隐身模式,怪物无法看到你
.invisible 二级隐身模式,怪物和玩家都无法看到你,但可以看到你发送的信息
.npc say 让npc说出你键入的文字内容
.npc yell 让npc喊出你键入的文字内容
.killbyplayer 删除指定的角色
.killbyaccount 删除指定的帐号
.worldport | v | 传送格式:MapID X Y Z
.increaseweaponskill | m | 调整当前角色装备的武器所属技能的熟练度默认1
.createaccount | z | 建立帐号,格式:帐号名,口令,email
.removeauras | m | 移除目标身上所有状态
.paralyze | b | 瘫痪目标 使其无法移动(但可以炉石,炉石后取消此效果..)
. unparalyze | b | 移除瘫痪
.advanceallskills | m | 提升角色的所有技能熟练度(限当前等级能力范围内)
.cheat god 设置为天神模式,只有伤害数值不减血,不死
.cheat cooldown | m | 技能无冷却
.cheat casttime | m | 无施法时间
.cheat power | m | 不消耗法力
.cheat fly 设置为飞行模式
.cheat land | m | 取消飞行状态
.cheat flyspeed | m | 改变飞行速度

改等级:.setlevel 数值
改经验:.setxp 数值


  Name Side Points Rewards Category
  Bounce food off a fellow feaster's head at a Bountiful Table. 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
  'Tis the Season
  During the Feast of Winter Veil, wear 3 pieces of winter clothing and eat Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake. 10 Winter Veil
  5 Coins of Ancestry
  Receive 5 Coins of Ancestry. 10 Lunar Festival
  5 Daily Quests Complete
  Complete 5 daily quests. 10 Quests
  5 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 5 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  10 Coins of Ancestry
  Receive 10 Coins of Ancestry. 10 Lunar Festival
  10 Dalaran Cooking Awards
  Obtain 10 Dalaran Cooking Awards. 10 Cooking
  10 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 10 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  15 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 15 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  20 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 20 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  25 Coins of Ancestry
  Receive 25 Coins of Ancestry. 10 Lunar Festival
  25 Dalaran Cooking Awards
  Obtain 25 Dalaran Cooking Awards. 10 Cooking
  25 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 25 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  25 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 25 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  25 Fish
  Fish up 25 items. 10 Fishing
  30 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 30 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  35 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 35 reputations to Exalted. 10 Reputation
  40 Exalted Reputations
  Raise 40 reputations to Exalted. 10 Name the Exalted
  50 Coins of Ancestry
  Receive 50 Coins of Ancestry. 10 Lunar Festival
  50 Daily Quests Complete
  Complete 50 daily quests. 10 Quests
  50 Dalaran Cooking Awards
  Obtain 50 Dalaran Cooking Awards. 10 Cooking
  50 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 50 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  50 Fish
  Fish up 50 items. 10 Fishing
  50 Quests Completed
  Complete 50 quests. 10 Quests
  50 Stone Keeper's Shards
  Loot 50 Stone Keeper's Shards. 10 Wintergrasp
  100 Dalaran Cooking Awards
  Obtain 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards. 10 Cooking
  100 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 100 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  100 Fish
  Fish up 100 items. 10 Fishing
  100 Honorable Kills
  Get 100 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  100 Quests Completed
  Complete 100 quests. 10 Quests
  100 Stone Keeper's Shards
  Loot 100 Stone Keeper's Shards. 10 Wintergrasp
  200 Daily Quests Complete
  Complete 200 daily quests. 10 Quests
  250 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 250 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  250 Fish
  Fish up 250 items. 10 Fishing
  250 Quests Completed
  Complete 250 quests. 10 Quests
  250 Stone Keeper's Shards
  Loot 250 Stone Keeper's Shards. 10 Wintergrasp
  500 Daily Quests Complete
  Complete 500 daily quests. 10 Quests
  500 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  500 Fish
  Fish up 500 items. 10 Fishing
  500 Honorable Kills
  Get 500 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  500 Quests Completed
  Complete 500 quests. 10 Quests
  500 Stone Keeper's Shards
  Loot 500 Stone Keeper's Shards. 10 Wintergrasp
  1000 Daily Quests Complete
  Complete 1000 daily quests. 10 Quests
  1000 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  1000 Fish
  Fish up 1000 items. 10 Fishing
  1000 Honorable Kills
  Get 1000 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  1000 Quests Completed
  Complete 1000 quests. 10 Quests
  1000 Stone Keeper's Shards
  Loot 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards. 10 Wintergrasp
  1500 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 1500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  1500 Quests Completed
  Complete 1500 quests. 10 Quests
  2000 Quests Completed
  Complete 2000 quests. 10 Quests
  2500 Dungeon Raid Emblems
  Loot 2500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. 10 Dungeons Raids
  3000 Quests Completed
  Complete 3000 quests. 50 Name the Seeker
  5000 Honorable Kills
  Get 5000 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  10000 Honorable Kills
  Get 10000 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  25000 Honorable Kills
  Get 25000 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  50000 Honorable Kills
  Get 50000 honorable kills. 10 Player vs. Player
  100000 Honorable Kills
  Get 100000 honorable kills. 10 Name of the Alliance
  Name of the Horde
  Player vs. Player
  A Brew-FAST Mount
  Obtain an epic Brewfest mount. Feats of Strength
  A Coin of Ancestry
  Receive a Coin of Ancestry. 10 Lunar Festival
  A Frosty Shake
  During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your Winter Veil Disguise kit to become a snowman and then dance with another snowman in Dalaran. 10 Winter Veil
  A Mask for All Occasions
  Collect the 20 unique Flimsy Masks listed below. 20 Hallow's End
  A Penny For Your Thoughts
  Fish up the copper coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain. 10 Fishing
  A Poke In The Eye (10 player)
  Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 in 10-player mode. 10 Lich King 10-Player Raid
  A Poke In The Eye (25 player)
  Defeat Malygos with fewer than 21 in 25-player mode. 10 Lich King 25-Player Raid
  A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay
  Earn exalted status within Ogri'la. 10 Reputation
  The Burning Crusade
  A Quick Shave (10 player)
  Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 10-player mode. 10 Secrets of Ulduar 10-Player Raid
  A Quick Shave (25 player)
  Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode. 10 Secrets of Ulduar 25-Player Raid
  A Silver Confidant
  Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament. 10 Unlocks Silver Covenant dailies at the Argent Tournament. Argent Tournament
  A Simple Re-Quest
  Complete a daily quest every day for five consecutive days. 10 Quests
  A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity
  Meet the criteria for A Tribute to Insanity without any raid member having used an item only obtainable from 25-player Coliseum, or any more powerful item. 10 Name the Argent Defender
  Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Immortality
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. Reward: Crusader's White Warhorse Feats of Strength
  A Tribute to Immortality
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. Reward: Crusader's Black Warhorse Feats of Strength
  A Tribute to Insanity (10 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Insanity (25 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 25-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Mad Skill (10 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 25-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Skill (10 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
  A Tribute to Skill (25 player)
  In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. 10 Call of the Crusade 25-Player Raid
  A Void Dance
  Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without killing any void sentries. 10 Lich King Heroic
  In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates. 10 Isle of Conquest
  In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Huge Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates 10 Isle of Conquest
  Abuse the Ooze
  Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter. 10 Lich King Heroic
  Accomplished Angler
  Complete the fishing achievements listed below. 10 Salty Name
  Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
  Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. 10 Lich King Dungeon
  All Over the Isle
  In a single Isle of Conquest battle, kill a player at each of the following locations: 10 Isle of Conquest
  All You Can Eat (10 player)
  Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. 10 Fall of the Lich King 10-Player Raid
  All You Can Eat (25 player)
  Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. 10 Fall of the Lich King 25-Player Raid
  Alone in the Darkness (10 player)
  Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 10-player mode. 10 Secrets of Ulduar 10-Player Raid
  Alone in the Darkness (25 player)
  Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode. 10 Secrets of Ulduar 25-Player Raid
  Alterac Grave Robber
  Take 50 graveyards in Alterac Valley. 10 Alterac Valley
  Alterac Valley All-Star
  In a single Alterac Valley battle, assault a graveyard, defend a graveyard, assault a tower, defend a tower and slay someone in the Field of Strife. 20 Alterac Valley
  Alterac Valley Veteran
  Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley. 10 Alterac Valley
  Alterac Valley Victory
  Win Alterac Valley. 10 Alterac Valley
  Amani War Bear
  Owner of Amani War Bear. Feats of Strength
  Ambassador of the Alliance
  Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities. 10 Ambassador Name
  Ambassador of the Horde
  Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities. 10 Ambassador Name
  Amber Void
  Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake. 10 Lich King Heroic
  An Honorable Kill
  Achieve an honorable kill. 10 Player vs. Player
  Ancient Courtyard Protector
  Kill 100 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients. 10 Strand of the Ancients

标签 魔兽世界单机大芒果代码问题
