



Twelveth-Generation CPU Graphics: Can They Run Total War: Three Kingdoms?


The integrated graphics of the 12th-generation CPUs are designed to offer improved graphical capabilities compared to earlier generations. Many users are curious about their performance when it comes to running demanding games like Total War: Three Kingdoms.

Performance Benchmarks

Total War: Three Kingdoms Performance Ratings

Based on our testing, the 12th-generation CPU graphics can indeed run Total War: Three Kingdoms. However, the performance may vary depending on the specific game settings and the resolution used. At lower resolutions, such as 1280x720, the game is generally playable with decent frame rates. However, at higher resolutions, such as 1920x1080, the performance may be less than ideal.

Graphics Quality Settings

Lower Settings for Better Performance

To improve the performance of Total War: Three Kingdoms on 12th-generation CPU graphics, it is advisable to reduce the graphics quality settings within the game. This includes disabling anti-aliasing, lowering the texture quality, and reducing the shadow quality. By doing so, the game will run more smoothly, albeit with a corresponding decrease in visual quality.

Overall Performance

Adequate for Low to Medium Settings

In conclusion, the 12th-generation CPU graphics are capable of running Total War: Three Kingdoms, although the performance may not be optimal at higher resolutions or with high graphics settings. However, for those willing to compromise on graphics quality, the game is playable and enjoyable on these integrated graphics.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions

Will the game run smoothly on the highest settings?

At the time of our testing, the 12th-generation CPU graphics may struggle to maintain smooth performance when running Total War: Three Kingdoms at the highest graphics settings, especially at higher resolutions.

What is the recommended resolution for optimal performance?

For the best balance between performance and visual quality, we recommend running Total War: Three Kingdoms on the 12th-generation CPU graphics at a resolution of 1280x720 with medium or low graphics settings.

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