



What is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar, and its origins can be traced back to ancient China.

Why is the Dragon Boat Festival celebrated?

The festival is celebrated to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period of ancient China. Qu Yuan was a minister and poet of the Chu kingdom, and he was known for his loyalty to his country.

How is the Dragon Boat Festival celebrated?

The festival is celebrated with various activities, the most famous of which is the dragon boat race. People also eat traditional sticky rice dumplings called zongzi, and hang up herbal pouches and calamus to ward off evil spirits.

What is the significance of the dragon boat race?

The dragon boat race is a significant part of the festival as it is believed to be a reenactment of the search for Qu Yuan's body after he drowned himself in the Miluo River. The race symbolizes the locals' attempt to rescue Qu Yuan or retrieve his body.

How has the Dragon Boat Festival evolved over time?

Over time, the Dragon Boat Festival has evolved from a festival to ward off evil spirits and diseases to a day of commemorating Qu Yuan's patriotism. It has also become a day for people to pray for health and peace for their families.